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  • Facebook Renews Hyderabad Office Lease for ₹2.8 Crore Monthly

    Facebook Renews Hyderabad Office Lease for ₹2.8 Crore Monthly0

    Facebook has renewed its Hyderabad office lease in Hitech City for ₹2.8 crore monthly rent across 3.7 lakh sq ft. With a five-year lease and a 15% rent escalation in 2026, this move highlights Hyderabad’s growing appeal. Rising rental rates solidify the city as a prime IT and commercial hub.

  • Dr Manmohan Singh: The Architect of India’s Real Estate Boom

    Dr Manmohan Singh: The Architect of India’s Real Estate Boom0

    Dr. Manmohan Singh’s visionary reforms in 1991 and leadership from 2004-2014 transformed India’s economy and fueled a real estate boom. His policies drove 20% annual growth, record rental yields, and surged infrastructure development, attracting foreign investments and shaping modern urban landscapes. His legacy endures in India’s dynamic real estate market.

  • India’s Office Leasing Hits Record High in 2024

    India’s Office Leasing Hits Record High in 20240

    India’s office leasing hit 66.4 million sq ft in 2024, led by Bengaluru, Hyderabad, and Mumbai. Flexible workspaces saw a 45% growth, contributing 20% to demand. Tech, BFSI, and large deals drove leasing while steady supply kept vacancy stable. Experts predict sustained momentum in 2025 and beyond.